The Power Be With You

You know how you want to continue to grow the business, but there just isn’t enough time to do everything. The consequence is that your power is stretched to the limit, which impacts on your business and, more importantly, on your wellbeing.

Power is the means of influencing the thoughts and actions of others.

Often there is a fear that you are giving away power if you empower others. This is assuming power is limited and used up; like electricity. When you delegate you give someone more power (empower) them. That does not mean you lose any of your power. In this way you increase the power within the business and speed up decision making.

The difference between power and force is the difference between influencing for the greater good and manipulating for a hidden agenda. Force must always be justified, whereas power requires no justification. We can see how force is being resisted today in many countries as people fight to gain their power to choose for themselves. This also occurs in business where people either leave or disrupt productivity.

Recognise and celebrate your points of power

Empowerment is something someone gives you. It is how you choose to use that power that is important. Be brilliant at what you do and shine like  a star in all five points of power.

Using a score of 1 – 10, where 1 is barely adequate and 10 is outstanding, in column

A. Rate your self for each power

B. Forecast your score for yourself in 6 months

Power Description A B
Position Power Being the owner, manager/leader
Knowledge Power Being an expert in your specialism
Task Power Having the competence to complete the task
Relationship Power  Ability to build rapport and trust
Personal Power Ability to influence people through your personality and character

Increase Your Power by:

  • Improving your own points of power and playing to your strengths
  • Reducing aspects of force, e.g. over regulation, bullying
  • Empowering others – effective delegation
  • Outsourcing

Each day, consider how you can increase your five points of power for yourself and your team so you let the power shine forth. 

Please contact us if you would like to explore this aspect further.

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