There has never been a more important time to focus on leading mental wellbeing, because even before the pandemic, mental health had become a key concern in the workplace and across all ages. Coronavirus, with all its associated problems, has only exacerbated the situation, which now cries out for thinking leadership. If you have the right culture, you can encourage your team to fully utilise their mental resilience. Today, the impact of the pandemic, technology, the pace of change, uncertainty and fear puts enormous pressure on people’s ability to cope. One in four people are known to have mental health challenges at some time, but this is likely to increase in these volatile times. It is therefore essential to have a leadership strategy to maintain the vitality of your team’s thinking, hold their attention and protect the brain power of your business.
“The quality of our thinking will determine the quality of our future” Edward de Bono
Leading Mental Wellbeing of Your Team
The intellectual capacity in your business is the most valuable resource you have, therefore it is is vital to take its development and wellbeing seriously for sustained success. You can sharpen the competitive edge of your business with the right leadership culture, thinking and improved mental resilience. This unique series of strategic workshops will enable you to:
- Create strategies to reduce workplace stress and improve mental resilience.
- Influence the wellbeing of your team through greater understanding of how the mind likes to work.
- Develop more informed decision making.
- Increase attention, creativity and energy in the business.
- Resolve real workplace issues and build better team relationships.
- Increase profitability
The innovative, structured programme will provide you with tools to ensure your business is running at maximum creative power and achieving the best from your team. You can keep you and your team at the height of mental wellbeing and engagement for longer with the focus on the mind, what we need to do to care for it, and how to stimulate untapped intellectual potential. Leading Mental Resilience is a unique, powerful, learning experience, which utilises the latest research into modern leadership, pragmatic interaction, and creative training. It also offers the option to take the amazing on-line Judgement Index (JI) assessment.
You will learn:

- How your brain works and what it needs to fully function.
- Your capacity to make good judgements.
- The impact you have on your team’s thinking capability and attention.
- Factors for keeping the mind active and healthy.
- Strategies to support a culture of mental resilience.
Sessions – 90 minute on-line sessions timed to suit delegates
- Engage the brain – the importance of trust.
- Making better judgement.
- Building mental resilience.
- Strategies for a culture of mental wellbeing – Time to think.
Further specific sessions may be added by agreement. Investment is £50/person/session for delivery, materials, and post-course review. The Judgement Index is an optional extra of £120 for the on-line assessment, comprehensive report and coaching session to review results.
Contact us for more detail or check our upcoming events for the next course.
“This is a fantastic course I would recommend to all managers. I learnt a lot more than I thought I would and got some great ideas and techniques to engage the team and get them thinking more.“
Chris Watson, Lubborn Creamery