Leadership in Action

Do you want your team to demonstrate leadership in action? If you want to develop a strategic direction and delivery of specific goals, then this series of workshops will help you achieve that. It will enable you to establish the use of modern leadership skills to maximise the potential of your team. It is normally run as a three day programme. The specific content can be adapted to meet your needs.


  • Gain greater credibility and confidence as a leader
  • Improved methods of communication for further employee engagement
  • Potential for resolution of interpersonal issues
  • Achievement of personal and business goals
  • Better motivation to achieve more of the team's potential
  • Greater accountability and taking of responsibility
  • More effective delegation

Leadership in Action potential course outline is given below. The format will be one of participation and finding realistic solutions to everyday issues; with the opportunity to implement improvements between sessions.

Day 1 – Talking Leadership

  • Leadership versus management
  • Impact of leadership styles
  • Roles, responsibilities and power
  • Self leadership and accountability
  • Establishing credibility and trust

Day 2 - Authentic Communication

  • Defining authentic communication
  • Being assertive
  • Dealing with difficult situations
  • Improving communication

 Day 3 – Making it Happen

  •  Engaging the team
  • Improving productivity
  • Effective delegation
  • Motivating to perform

We recommend a work based assignment to re-enforce the learning.

Put your own leadership in action and contact us about this course.

Rosie & Ken provided the most professional and successful training courses I have ever been involved with. The course was tailored to our specific company needs, allowing us to focus on only relevant material to our company. Our objectives for the training have been more than fulfilled and we are seeing it work back in the hotel with a highly motivated and enthused management team. The results only go to prove that this was money well spent

Rohaise Rose-Bristow, Director, The Torridon


Leadership in Action

What to do next…

If you are looking to improve your people's performance, let's talk. To start with, let us know what you would like:

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