Date(s) - 28 Aug 2020
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
For more details contact:
Rosie Barfoot on 07710 212681 or email here
Working with Ego is a free virtual workshop, which has been designed at the request of a recent participant. Our ego can greatly influence how we live our lives and interact with others. We can work more effectively and have greater empathy when we understand its impact. The danger is that we ‘do battle’ with ego, whether ours or theirs, which leads to conflict. Rather than fight it, if we can work with our higher self, peace, truth and forgiveness, then we can interact at a completely different level. A greater awareness of these concepts allows us to utilise our emotional intelligence for better relationships and more successful outcomes.
The workshop is practical and participative and the aim is that you will be able to:
- Define ego and its impact.
- Take action to work better with yours and other people’s ego.
Ego is often portrayed as a bad thing, but it evolved for a purpose, which in our modern world can get out of hand. An analogy is to imagine ego as a rider sitting on and controlling a very powerful horse (id), which represents the strong, primal needs and desires we have. Unfortunately, the current focus on celebrity, charisma and consumerism has allowed full rein to the damaging elements of the id. It is often why we beat ourselves up for not being good enough, or we turn to fight, flight or freeze if someone disagrees with us. It can cause us to attack or defend out position when confronted by different beliefs. Big ego usually produces negative outcomes both to relationships with people and work.
If you wish to learn more about this fascinating topic, join our FREE Zoom meeting on Friday August 28th, 2020 09:30 AM London
Register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing joining information.
” Thanks for this morning. It was spot on and something I needed.” NR, Business Owner
“Fantastic session! Really helped to bring together thoughts from various sources I have encountered recently, especially some mindfulness texts – really great experience.” OH, General Manager