Building a Team Success Strategy

Date(s) - 16 Mar 2017 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

For more details contact:
Rosie Barfoot on 07710 212681 or email here

A team success strategy starts with celebrating current achievements and developing ownership for combined growth and future success.  This particular event is for the whole team of a small member based business. The ultimate goal is to have a fully functional, motivated, productive team, which is performing to the best combined ability for continued growing success.

Teams are now operating in a constantly changing, entirely unforgiving environment, which denies the satisfaction of any permanent fix. The organisation you have created, the processes you have and the relationships you have forged are no longer enduring. More of the same will not suffice. Trying hard is not enough to guarantee success. It requires you to change.

The use of technology has connected people with a speed that has never been seen before. A mistake can be transmitted globally in seconds. We live in a more interdependent and fast-paced world, which creates complexity. Predictability is no longer a given.  Adaptability is critical.

Decision making needs to be faster, which requires a less hierarchical approach to information. It does mean greater team co-operation, capability and communication. It requires trust at all levels and delegation.

Success criteria

The event will have been successful when we have:

  • More effective communication within the team
  • Greater harmony and teamwork with appreciation of each other’s roles
  • Met target for new members
  • A framework of a team success strategy for 2017 and beyond.


10.00   Introduction to celebrate success and set the scene

Setting expectations

Communicating as a team

Defining the purpose of the business

Review of the vision and values as fit for purpose

Setting tangible goals

Taking ownership of success

Removing the barriers

3.00      Finish

If you want to gain ownership to a team success strategy, please contact us. We are happy to design the right course to support your team and achieve the results you need.

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