Case Studies
Growing the Business at Tony Benger Landscaping
Ken and Rosie Barfoot of Training for Results delivered coaching, mentoring and training under the Growth Accelerator programme over a two year period in 2013 and 2014. Areas covered included effective leadership, communication, improving team effectiveness, delegation , prioritising, managing performance, motivation, giving feedback and accountability. Courses were delivered in Train the Trainer and Speaking as a Leader. Ken also acted as a mentor for the newly appointed business manager with regular meetings to encourage progress in all the above areas
The topics covered were put over in a relevant and clear manner with good course material and follow up to encourage uptake. Ken and Rosie quickly came to know staff on the training and so were able to drill down to elements which specifically helped each individual.
The Company has been experiencing rapid growth over recent years and so it became essential to develop systems of leadership and management that would make this sustainable. The work of Training for Results provided focus and direction for the managers that dovetailed with the Investors in People principles which the Company had recently attained. With their help, we developed sound line management identifying methods to develop all our staff. As a result, buy-in to our values and ownership of the Company's goals has grown with greater efficiency and higher staff morale. Mentoring for the managers enabled them to recognise that small steps were bringing about change amongst the business of the managers' daily work.
The results have been improved communication with internal and external customers, higher efficiency, output and profitability, improved delegation and empowerment, and improved implementation through leadership. The aims of the programme were therefore delivered and will stand the company in good stead for the future.
Jon Woolven: General Manager, Tony Benger Landscaping Ltd
Accelerating Growth at Pearce Seeds
During the initial coaching phase of Growth Accelerator, Rosie enabled the management team to define the aims through a mission statement and thus helped to build a plan of how to achieve that end goal. She showed us the value of operating as a team, how to look at the functioning of Pearce Seeds; and how it should function to enable optimal efficiency and productivity. The greatest benefit was empowering us to confront issues and break down silo mentality within the group.
At the beginning of 2016 there will be a group conference, which is something that would not have been possible before. At this all managers will present their visions and aims for the future and will help harness the greater enthusiasm that is felt throughout Pearce Seeds.
Cindy Hallet, HR Manager, Pearce Seeds
Leadership Development at Sunseeker International
Our senior management team at Osprey Quay wanted to create an environment that allowed teams and individuals to flourish and grow, as this would ultimately improve performance and productivity.
I initially invested in Training for Results to profile managers in the Integrated Leadership Measure (ILM72) to assess preferred leadership styles and identify development needs. As a result, a senior manager attended their two day ‘Speaking as a Leader’ workshop. Key outcomes achieved have been greater self awareness, recognition of different approaches, improved communication skills for engaging teams, a lighter, brighter working environment; and increased recognition of good individual and team performance.
The ‘Mind Your Head’ series inspired us to allow people to perform to their best. We learnt how we need to tap into the potential brain power and to be mindful not to over pressurise individuals and teams. The discussions with other business delegates were also highly beneficial.
I found the facilitation non-threatening, thought provoking and engaging. The problem solving techniques clearly identified how important it is to identify the real issue in the first instance. I am looking forward to sharing the learning with my team and delivering improved performance. I definitely recommend this programme to others.
Ian Jolliffe: General Manager, Sunseeker International Ltd, Portland.
Line Manager Development at Dorset Cereals
We invited Training for Results to help us improve twenty eight first line managers’ communication, in order to get them to think outside their own silo and to be more aware of their actions on the wider business.
An example of the problem was ‘Planning’ would suddenly drop an order on ‘Stock Control’, because the customer had demanded it. The impact of this was frustration, teams not fulfilling their potential, and everyone continually fire-fighting.
We agreed a two day cross functional training programme in groups of ten. This delivered greater self awareness of the impact of their behaviours, more understanding of each other’s problems, sharing of frustrations, and better problem solving as a team. They had fun and are ready for more learning.
Tangible results have been the promotion of staff, people taking responsibility for their actions and being less confrontational; a better working culture and higher expectations of themselves and each other. One person, in particular, changed dramatically, which has had real benefits in his work and home life. They are now an engaged team. Work is no longer just a means to pay the mortgage.
This was demonstrated recently when I walked on the factory floor and staff told me they had just made a labelling mistake. They apologised, but had already taken ownership and sorted it out themselves. They showed initiative and responsibility, and did not want to let each other down. This would not have happened a year ago.
What I have learnt in leading this development, despite my initial heavy scepticism, is how easy it was to start and how quickly it snowballed to get results. It has taken on a life of its own. Getting some quick wins was vital. On-going reviews every six weeks in 1-2-1 meetings reminds them of their obligation to the investment we have all made. I am very keen for the programme to continue.
Ken and Rosie were very helpful, non prescriptive, and very inclusive of us in their design of the workshops. Even during delivery, they rolled with the punches and adapted to specific important issues that emerged. I cannot think of anything that they could improve.
Vickie Best, Operational Director, Dorset Cereals
Coaching for Logistics Co-Ordinator
I came to coaching because I felt I couldn't see the wood for the trees, and that I was alone in trying to sort out every task or problem that came my way. I knew that I had a problem and to survive I needed to do something about it.
Realising that a problem exists makes you want to look for a solution. But identifying what the real problem is or understanding the underlining issues would not have been possible for me if it wasn’t for Rosie Barfoot. For someone that I had never met before, Rosie made me feel very much at ease. However Rosie was very professional and I admired how she was able to stay focused. While we delved deep into understanding the underlying issues, she was always able to bring me back to the problem at hand.
The key issues for me were working long hours and not delegating. Rosie challenged my thought process, making me aware that there is another way, presenting me with a way of being able to change my lifetime habits; and reassuring me that this would take time. She helped me realise I would have to make a conscious effort to get the results I am seeking.
What I have realised more than anything else is the effect my work ethic is having on my personal life. I am aiming to prioritise my workload and make better use of my time on a daily basis. When communicating to others, I am now aware that how I communicate is as equally as important as what I communicate. Appreciating that others want to feel as needed and as important to the company as I do, I am making a conscious effort of thinking before I speak. I recognise that having a life outside work makes me a better person and my aim is to leave work at a set time.
It is up to me to change. Rosie has given me the tools, which I just need to work at.
EJ. South Wales
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